Unless otherwise noted, all links are to PDFs.
- William R. McIver, Harry R. Carter, A. Laurie Harvey, David M. Mazurkiewicz, Jim A. Howard, Paige L. Martin, and John W. Mason. Avian and skunk predation ofAshy Storm-Petrels at Santa Cruz Island, California. Western North American Naturalist 78(3): 421-440.
- Darrell L. Whitworth and Harry R. Carter. 2018. Scripps’s Murrelet at San Miguel Island, California: status of a small population at the northwest limit of the breeding range. Western North American Naturalist 78(3): 441-456.
- Darrell L. Whitworth, Harry R. Carter, Eduardo Palacios, and Franklin Gress. 2018. Breeding of Craveri’s murrelet Synthliboramphus craveri at four islands off west-central Baja California, Mexico. Marine Ornithology 46: 117-124.
- Darrell L. Whitworth, Harold R. Carter, Michael W. Parker, Franklin Gress, and Melissa Booker. 2018. Long-term monitoring of Scripps’s murrelet and Guadalupe murrelet at San Clemente Island, California: evaluation of baseline date in 2012-2016. Western North American Naturalist 78 (3): 457-473.
- Darrell L. Whitworth and Harry R. Carter. 2017. Population Trends for Scripps’s Murrelet Following Eradication of Black Rats. The Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21370. Full Article (paywall access only) >
- Benjamin H. Becker, Harry R. Carter, Robert P. Henderson, Anna M. Weinstein and Michael W. Parker. 2016. Status and Monitoring of Ashy Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma homochroa at Point Reyes National Seashore, California, 2012-2015. Marine Ornithology 44: 63-70.
- Laurie Harvey, David M. Mazurkiewicz, Mathew W. McKown, Kevin W. Barnes and Michael W. Parker. 2016. Changing Breeding Status of the Ashy Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma homochroa on Anacapa Island, California. Marine Ornithology 44:93-97.
- Harry R. Carter, Tyler M. Dvorak and Darrell L. Whitworth. 2016. Breeding of the Leach’s Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa at Santa Catalina Island, California. Marine Ornithology 44:83-92 (With Appendix 1 attached).
- Josh Adams, Harry R. Carter, Gerard J. McChesney and Darrell L. Whitworth. 2016. Occurrence, Morphometrics and Plumage Variability among Leach’s Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa in the California Channel Islands, 1976-2015. Marine Ornithology 44:113-119.
- Harry R. Carter, Michael W. Parker, Josh S. Koepke and Darrell L. Whitworth. 2015. Breeding of the Ashy Storm-Petrel in Central Mendocino County, California. Western Birds 46:49-65.
- Darrell L. Whitworth, A. Laurie Harvey, Harry R. Carter, Richard J. Young, Josh S. Keopke and David M. Mazurkiewicz. 2015. Breeding of Cassin’s auklets Ptychoramphus aleuticus at Anacapa Island, California, after eradication of black rats Rattus rattus. Marine Ornithology 43:19-24.
- Darrell L. Whitworth and Harry R. Carter. 2014. Nocturnal Spotlight Surveys for Monitoring Scripps’s Murrelets in At-sea Congregations at Anacapa Island, California. Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist 7:306-320.
- Darrell L. Whitworth, Harry R. Carter, Tyler M. Dvorak, Linda S. Farley and Julie L. King. 2014. Status, Distribution, and Conservation of Scripps’s Murrelet at Santa Catalina Island, California. Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist 7:321-338.
- Franklin Gress, Robert W. Risebrough, Daniel W. Anderson, Lloyd F. Kiff and Joseph R. Jehl, jr. 1973. Reproductive Failures of Double-Crested Cormorants in Southern California and Baja California. The Wilson Bulletin 85(2):197-208.